康匯專科醫療中心 - 建康匯才‧服務社會
International Medical Sleep Center
睡眠質素評估 Sleep Quality Assessment
Sleep is a fundamental physiologic process which functions are critical for brain development, physical and mental "well-being", and maintenance of cognitive functions. Up to one in six adults in Hong Kong experienced sleep problems in a study by the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The consequences of sleep problem can lead to the increased risk for psychiatric disorders, decreased quality of life, increased healthcare utilization and costs, absenteeism and decreased occupational performance, and increased risk in falls and accidents.
Please contact International Medical Sleep Center (IMSC) for a detail sleep quality assessment. For enquiry, please contact   3622 1628.
Our Service:
Complete Sleep Quality Assessment
•  Sleep efficiency, quality and daily sleep habit analysis
•  Insomnia and sleepiness index analysis
Diagnosis & Investigation for Sleep Problems
•  Sleeping test:EEG, ECG, rapid eye movement, snoring, body position,
    breathing pattern, limbs movement, oxygen saturation, wake/sleep stages analysis
•   Medical specialist consultation
Sleep Improvement & Treatment
•   Treatment solution for periodic and chronic sleep problem
•   Sleep improvement workshop & individual counseling:Stress management, relaxation
     treatment, behavioral modification, hypnotherapy, physiotherapy, etc.
Sleep Aid Product
•   Non-medical treatment, health supplements
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